Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lamb Chop with Avocado and Sweet & Sour Sauce

Beside oranges I loove Avocado so much!
It's actually tasteless (not sweet, bitter nor sour) but dunno why it's just taste right in mouth! I had this avocadoholic moment when I was still at college back then in Sydney. I used to have my 'avocado sandwich' for breakfast (or even worst for a midnight 'snack' :P). It's just a simple combination of:
  • a whole meal bread (you can toast it or not),
  • spread it with cream cheese (yes, a lot please...)
  • put slices (lots) of avocado
  • pinch of black pepper and last
  • pour thai sweet 'n' sour chili sauce over..
  • put some green salad or tomatos or beetroot (if u you want)
  • sandwich them and eat it!!
Hmmm soo yummy!!! (try it and see what you think). :)

Anyway, tonight's dinner I'm gonna make a fried lamb chop (too lazy to grill). First I was going to try Ti's recipe again (Thai dressed lamb cutlets & Mango and cucumber salad), but I don't have a complete ingredients, so I tried to make it with a simple recipe that my brother usually use. Of course the avocado part is my modification for the sake of being called 'creative' Ha..Ha..:P. I also make a sweet and sour sauce for the avocado based on yesterday's orange chicken rosemary recipe.

Lamb Chop with Avocado and Sweet & Sour Sauce
  • 4 regular lamb chop
  • margarine
  • garlic powder
  • white pepper
  • pinch of salt
  • black pepper
Spread margarine to lamb chop 2 sides. Give a pinch of salt, white pepper, garlic powder and black pepper. (I dunno exactly the measurement, just give it as many as you like but don't be over). Set aside.

BBQ Sauce:
  • 1 tbs of ready to use BBQ sauce (I used KRAFT Original BBQ Sauce)
  • Combine with 1/2 cup of water. (make sure it's not too watery, coz you will loose the taste).
  • 1/2 of Fresh Avocado, slice around 2 cm, peel the skin off.
  • 5 tbs of lemon juice (from 1/2 to 1 fresh lemon)
  • 1 tbs of Dijon's Mustard
  • 5 tbs of honey
  • Mix them all together in a bowl.

  • Give 2 tsp of olive oil to the non-stick pan, while in medium heat put lamb chop in it.
  • Fry the lamb its 2 sides. Pour half of the BBQ sauce on the lamb then close the pan with a lid for few minutes.
  • Open the lid, turn the lamb, give another BBQ sauce and close it again.
  • When it's done (depends on your liking, rare/medium/well done), put it in a plate and garnish it with Rosemary and pour some BBQ sauce again on top (if you like).
  • Set the avocado slices beside the Lamb. Pour the Sweet & Sour Sauce to the avocado.
  • Serve with Fries or steamed rice. (I ate it just by it self)
While you enjoy the greasy lamb, you'll also get a sweet 'n' sour taste from the avocado sauce.. It's such a yummy combination, and my husband love it too! :D Hmm..I feel like I could eat another one already...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Orange & Rosemary Glazed Chicken

At last! I'm posting other than's a cooking dishes! (hehe..still the same though). I've been craving to try this recipe so bad, since I'm an orange lover! And beside, looking at the pictures on the recipe just keep making me drooling :P. Finally, this weekend (after grocery shopping last night at citos) I'm doing this recipe for lunch and also dinner.

Thanks to Titi from who's been so generous to share the recipe. I always love to try foreign recipe (not that I don't love Indonesian Food), they all came up with a simple ingredients and all you have to do just mixed them and toss it to the oven! No stirring with greasy oil and stuff. It's more healthier when you use less cooking oil (except if you're using Olive oil, which in Indonesia is not a common oil to cook, beside..who wants to deep fry using Olive oil anyway? since it's also too pricey than other ordinary cooking oil :P).

I'm having trouble finding that rosemary herbs..I have watched all the herbs closely last night, still couldn't find a tag written: ROSEMARY.. Luckly I brought the recipe along, so I looked again closely from the picture hoping that I could find a similar shape of herbs there. I dunno if it's the right one (since I've never use Rosemary)..I found this herb hanging inside a small plastic bag, but it doesn't have anything say on it (describing what kind of herb is it).. With my gambling thoughts, I'm pretty sure it does look and has the same shape as in the recipe, so I grab the plastic and carry on shopping.

Anyway, I used lots of oranges and add bits of lemons in the chicken (that's why you couldn't barely see the chicken, because it all covered with slices of orange Ha ha :D). I forgot to put the rosemary as garnish, but it did tasted..Oww..DELICIOSO!!!. My husband came home from his weekend warrior biking with his friends nearly at dinner time and he got sooo hungry. I told him that I cooked but it's kindda experimenting (not the usual dishes he eats)..but he said it's OK, lemme try it first. I gave him a slice from my chicken, and he said..."Hmmm..Delicious!!!"..Wow he likes it!! I'm so so Glad! We had dinner with a new menu. I think this is gonna be our next favorite menu. And to be honest, I almost lick my plate to finish the orange gravy and eat up all the oranges with the skin on!!! Thanks again for sharing a great yet simple recipe Ti!

p.s: for recipe, just click on the title

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pinkylicious Cuppies

I haven't made cake for some times ('sigh').. I guess I'm too busy with all the deadlines. Thank God it's all been done and I have time to 'breathe' and relax just a little bit. I still have stocks of Cream Cheese on my fridge. Looking at the expire date..Oh my, it's just a view week from now. So I'm gonna try to make a Cheese Cup Cake from a recipe that I've got on the net, before those cheese got expired!.

From what I've tasted, I think the recipe needs to be adjust, because after the cake's baked, I couldn't taste any of 'cheese' in it. Luckily, there's a hint of Lemon that stands a bit and make the cakes taste it's OK laahh.

After all, I don't want it to taste very plain, so I add a filling of Strawberry Paleta and a fresh Raspberry in it, which has made it more interesting than before. For topper, I used Strawberry buttercream, so overall it tastes Creamy, just a little bit sweet (coz I'm not a fan of too sweet kinda cake)..but when it gets to innards, you'll get a 'blast but not too sour yet refreshing taste' from the raspberry fruit.

I used Wilton 1M to make a Rose Swirl (it's my first time making it on cuppies--not too bad for a beginner ey? :D), and I just amazed with those tips.. they've created a really nice shape by itself.. All you have to do just follow the instruction. Really want to put a big applause to those who've invented those tips :D

For final touch, sprinkle some purple hearts on it.. So here they are..enjoy these Pinkylicious Cuppies :)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

OREO Cup Cake

Selain bawa Cake Mocca, juga bikin Oreo Cup Cake untuk di bawa ke rumah ortu. Nah kalau yang ini pesenan anakku sendiri (si Figo). Berhubung dia suka banget ama Oreo dan waktu itu dibikinin cup cake ternyata dia juga suka, jadilah di kombinasiin (supaya ilmu nambah nih, gak bikinnya rasa coklat aja mulu hehe). Bahan dasarnya sama persis sama resep yang biasa dibikin, hanya terakhirnya waktu di aduk spatula di campurkan Oreo Crust (sekitar 10 pcs Oreo). Crust dibikin ga sampai halus, supaya nanti kalau cup cake-nya dimakan masi ada kerasa 'crunch'nya dari si Oreo.

OREO Cup Cake

Bikin Cup Cake yang besar cuma 6 pcs, sisa adonannya di bikin
Cup Cake Petite (soalnya baru beli loyang muffin kecil isi 24 alumunium--jadi ga tahan langsung di pakai). Toppingnya pakai cream cheese icing (gula nya ga tlalu banyak sih, supaya rasa keju-nya tetep mendominan). Lalu tinggal dihias deh dengan Oreo Crust dan Oreo itu sendiri di atasnya. I so love the combination color of this Cup Cake. It's only black and white, but yet it looks so elegant. (iih narsis dot com) :P.

OREO Trio Petites

OREO Petites inside mica box

Btw oh ya, pengambilan foto kali ini sewaktu mobil di parkiran BAB (maaf, bukan Buang Air Besar zyaaa tapi Build A Bike-United di Slipi--toko sepedah lah pokoknya). Somehow kalo ke Tomang, suami pasti minta mampir kesini dulu yang katanya slalu 'bentaaaarr yaa'..tapi kadang tunggu punya tunggu hehe kok bentarnya bisa 30 menit lebih..hihihi namanya juga udah ke tempat yang dicintai, pastilah lupa waktu. But kali ini bener2 teng cuma 15 menitan (kurang malah) udah balik lagi ke mobil. "loh kok cepet" kata saya.."iya lagi di renovasi" katanya.."Pantesan gak lama...Fiiuhhh" (tapi dalam hati hehehehe...). Eh tapi saya mendukung 200% kok dengan hobbynya bersepeda..Soalnya bikin suami tetep fit!
Okeh..piss fipa!

New Year's Cake

Happy New Year Everyone!
Semoga tahun ini lebih baik lagi dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya ...Amin!
Sebelum liburan sekolah berakhir, kpingin nginep ke tempat ortu di daerah Tomang yang kebetulan juga ada kakak-2 saya dan sepupunya Figo (anaknya teteh saya, nama-nya Shan umurnya mau 5 tahun) tinggal disitu..jadinya rame deh. Udah lama mau bikinin my mom, Mocca cake, soalnya she loves mocca very much. Kemarin itu beli Mocca Cheese Cake di salah satu cakery, trus setelah nyobain tnyata enak loh..apalagi kalau bisa bikin sendiri kayaknya lebih enak deh..hehe.
Mocca Cream Cheese Cake

Terinspirasi dari situ, oke deh nyobain bikin buat mom. But resepnya ga tau nyari dimana, jadi nyoba-nyoba aja dengan resep yang ada trus dikira-kira kasi pasta mocca-nya lalu bikin cream cheese-nya juga. Cake-nya sendiri rasa mocca, tapi di bagi 3 layer. Dari bawah urutannya sbb: Cake-Mocca Cream-Cake-Cream Cheese-Cake-ditutup dengan Mocca Cream yang di bentuk rose swirl, lalu finishing touch ditaburin Oreo crust..mmmm...

Untuk ituuu..andalan whipped cream yang saya pakai, so far for me 'Baker's Mix' yang paling T-O-B (makanya begitu ada lagi di TITAN, langsung borong..HAHAHA:P). Dan untuk pertama kalinya akhirnyaaaa ketemu juga sama yang namanya spuit 1M WILTON!! Setelah skian lama nyari-nyari dan kalo nanya pasti stoknya habis melulu begitu barangnya ada, ini juga langsung di borong..HAHAHA lagi :P). Si pagar coklat, bikinnya udah jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya (di cicil en dikumpulin dalam satu kotak di lemari es), jadi tinggal di susun aja deh..Stelah di hitung, cake bundar 20cm ini ditutupi dengan 23 pagar coklat! gleukk..gimana kalo cake-nya lebih besar lagi??..persediaan langsung habis..jadi musti bikin lagi stoknya deh.

Mocca cake filled with mocca cream and cream cheese,
top with mocca cream plus oreo crust

Berhubung ke Tomang-nya musti brangkat pagi en cepet-cepet jadi ga bisa ngambil foto dulu di rumah. Tapiii...Ga' rela duongss akhh kalo ga ada dokumentasi kue yang udah dibikin...Alhasil foto diambil waktu dalam perjalanan menuju ke Tomang (alias di dalam mobil waktu mobilnya berhenti di lampu merah)..Hihihi..
Lumejen kaan hasilnya :D