Friday, April 18, 2008

Colorful Chocolate Cornflake

I made this simple sweet treats dessert for my son's lunch box. It's very easy to make!

It's crunchy and kids like it a lot because it's chocolate and cornflake.

Add a little touch up with colorful sprinkles to make it look more festive and fun to eat :D


Yuli P. Digdo said...

besok mo dicoba ahh, thanks for sharing ya fin :)

Ti said...

wah, kayaknya kita sehati ni, hehe.. baru aja mau nanyain hal yang sama, how r u bu? eh shout box-nya ganti aja tuh, error mlulu setiap mau comment, aku aja ganti ke c-box, ngak pernah ada masalah deh. btw thx ya for asking, Im fine, disini lagi dingin bgt bhow..Cheers